Wardriving is the practice of driving around a vehicle/bike or drone to discover Wi-Fi networks, mapping their locations, and sometimes logging their details, such as SSID (network name), security protocols, and signal strength. This activity, often performed by hobbyists, cybersecurity researchers, and hackers. It involves using a laptop, smartphone, or a specialized device equipped with Wi-Fi scanning software. (RPi4 etc…) While wardriving itself is not illegal, it raises privacy and security concerns as it can potentially be used to exploit unsecured networks or to gather data for malicious purposes. Consequently, it underscores the importance of securing Wi-Fi networks with strong encryption and passwords to protect against unauthorized access.
This build is based on the following hardware:
- https://wardriver.uk/ (J Hewitt)
- UPDATE: New design fits both Jhewitt and WiSpy Boards.
- The component list is here!
My Enclosure (Inspiration from Krrawn’s version here.)
- Print Settings:
- 20% infil
- No Supports
- Print orientation: Faces flat
- 0.20 Layer height.
- Print Settings:
4 x 16mm M3
4 x 8mm M3
8 x M3 x 4 x 5 Threaded Inserts.
1 x Lid STL
1 x Middle STL
1 x Battery Pack STL
1 x STEP UP, LiPo to 5v.
1 x Lipo Charger (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006514259622.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.82.652e1802qawb6a)
1 x switch (https://www.jaycar.com.au/spdt-micro-slide-switch/p/SS0834)
1 x 5000 mAh LiPo 105570